Gift Sets
Production: 1972-1981. #2055. Misty with a paperback copy of Misty of Chincoteague and carrying box. Also sold through the Sears Holiday Catalog and Montgomery Ward Holiday Catalog. Production: 1980, 1983-1985. #2169. JC Penny Holiday Catalog. Misty with Stormy and Sea Star. Production: 1983 Sears Catalog. #49C20128. Misty with Stormy, Phantom Wings, and paperback book. Production: 1983. #400293. Spiegal and Smithsonian Holiday Catalogs. Misty with Stormy and a paperback copy of Misty of Chincoteague. Production: 1993. FAO Schwartz. #700493. Misty with Stormy, a Paul Beebe doll, and a paperback copy of Misty of Chincoteague. Production: 2014 Misty of Chincoteague Island Camping Gift Set. Misty, Stormy, a doll, and camping accessories. |
Palomino. On the Mesteno the Foal mold. The real Twister's full name is Misty's MayDay Twister. The mold is a male while the real pony was female. The real Twister has a blaze shaped like a tornado and only has on white foot. The model has a vaguely marked bald face and four white feet. Some variation in color shade. |