Misty's Heaven is an informational website about Misty of Chincoteague and her descendants
Est. 1999
Misty's Heaven strives for updated and accurate information on the Misty of Chincoteague family line. This site is loaded with lots of pictures and information to make the Misty fan happy! We have tens of thousands of photographs of the ponies. We feature pictures and information on the real Misty, profiles and photos on Misty's descendants, galleries of media and memorabilia, Misty and family model horses, and places to visit on Misty Pilgrimages. We also offer information on Beebe Ranch, the history of the Chincoteague Miniature Pony Farm, information on the Chincoteague Pony Drill Team, and the story of the Chincoteague Pony Centre. Our YouTube channel has video of Misty family ponies. Visit our Facebook page and blog for the latest Misty family news and information.
The idea for a Misty family site originated when we realized that there were no websites about the Misty family ponies. We decided to do this site for ourselves, as well as for other Misty fans. We have now been in existence for over 25 years!
If you have any information on any Misty descendant or have information or photos to contribute we would love to hear from you! We love to hear from fellow fans of Misty. Thanks for visiting Misty's Heaven and please come back soon!