Misty has appeared on a variety of memorabilia through the decades. Some are souvenirs from Chincoteague and others were produced as tie-ins with her books. Here's what's in our collection. Model horses and associated memorabilia are found on the Breyer's Misty Family page.
Misty the Wonder Pony
Misty Stick Horse, 38 inches long. Photo courtesy of Melissa Mini
Misty Stick Horse
Product tie-ins for the book Misty the Wonder Pony
Misty Stick Horse, Photo courtesy of Melissa Mini
Misty Stick Horse
Ad for the Misty Stick Horse
Album of Horses
Chincoteague Miniature Pony Farm
Misty Stein
Misty Trivet
Decorative Plate with Misty
Misty Postcard
Taxidermist Misty Postcard
Beebe Ranch or The Museum of Chincoteague Island
Misty Mousepad
Misty T-Shirt
Cap with a Misty likeness
Misty Postcard
Misty and Stormy Postcard
Misty and Foals Postcard
Misty & Stormy at the Museum Postcard
Misty Statue Souvenirs
Other Souvenirs
Misty Charm
Misty Souvenir Spoons
Misty Tshirt
Misty Belt Buckle
Cap with Misty copied from the model horse released by the Franklin Mint
Misty Illustration Postcard from H&H Pharmacy
Misty & Phantom Wings Postcard from H&H Pharmacy
Misty postcard from The Refuge Inn
Trading Cards
Stickers and Magnets
Chincoteague Miniature Pony Farm Misty Sticker
Misty Sticker by Sierrah Lanahan. Beebe Ranch Fundraiser.
Misty and Marguerite Henry photo sticker from Saddle Seeks Horse.
Misty sticker from Saddle Seeks horse.
Phantom and Misty Magnet by Sierrah Lanahan. Beebe Ranch Fundraiser.