Misty's RainDrop surprised the Allen's on a very cold and snowy Sunday with Misty's SnowDrop, a beautiful chestnut pinto filly. RainDrop had shown no signs of foaling and was weeks from her due date so she was turned out in the pasture before the Allen family went to church. When the Allen's arrived home two hours later there was an extra filly in the pasture. The Allen's asked the Pony Centre's riding instructor, Sara, to pick a name for the filly because of the work she had done with RainDrop the previous summer. The name SnowDrop was chosen to incorporate her dam's name as well as her snowy birth.
SnowDrop was purchased by the Shubert family and went to live with a herd of Chincoteague ponies in Delaware. On April 19, 2010 she had her first foal, a chestnut filly named sired by Random Tantrum named Misty's Dewdrop.
Click on the photo for more pictures of Misty's Snowdrop