Misty's Echo, or Echo for short, is a half Tennessee Walking Horse filly by Misty's Stormy Eclipse. She had a rough start and had to be weaned at a very young age. Echo was donated to Hoofbeats Healing Hearts in Woodbury, TN. She has been doing therapy-type work since she was about 2.5 months old and it seems to be her calling. She loves people and horses and is a peacekeeper among the herd. Echo is very intelligent and eager to learn. Echo has been taught to stand on a stool like Misty and has begun saddle training. She hit 14 hands before her third birthday!
Hoofbeats Healing Hearts was forced to downsize, but found Echo a home alongside her half sister Misty's Encore where she will able to use her talents.
Click on the photo for more pictures of Misty's Echo