Beebe Breeze was Breezy's first foal and the only member her line to live to adulthood. Her sire is unknown, though there have been statements made of him being a buckskin stallion or possibly the stallion Mugwah. Beebe Breeze had her great grandmother's beautiful palomino pinto coloring and also resembles her physically. Kendy Allen reported her to be a gorgeous little mare. She was one of Celina Boltinghouse's favorite ponies when Celina worked on the Pony Farm.
Beebe Breeze lived on the Pony Farm for most of her life and she was a valued broodmare. She is the reason Breezy's line survives today. Celina reported that Beebe Breeze did not like strangers around her new foals and would threaten them if they got too close. Beebe Breeze's first known foal was Spring Breeze a filly born in 1983. Her next foal was Thunder II born in 1984, however Gentle Breeze may be her foal from that year as there was a mix-up when the year's foals were weaned. The following year Beebe Breeze had Whirlwind, a chestnut filly. Stormcloud was Beebe Breeze's first son, a chestnut born in 1986. Misty's Sunpiper, a colt who carried his mother's palomino coloring, was foaled in 1988. Beebe Breeze's last known foal was born in 1990 and was a palomino pinto colt named Wings O' Mist.
Like so many ponies Beebe Breeze's later life is vague. It was known that she was bought by Mike Pryor in the early 1990's and was taken to his farm. There is a picture in local paper of her being introduced to the other Misty ponies on the farm. It is unknown whether she was bred while there. She was reported to have passed away sometime in 1998.
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